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People and the community

The SFC is an equal opportunity employer committed to creating a working environment free from discrimination. We offer a congenial and safe operating environment for employees, while extending a caring attitude towards the larger community.

Employee care

We seek to ensure that every staff member works constructively towards the same vision and enjoys a true sense of belonging. Our staff policies implement our core values by promoting:

Community care

Every year since 2006, we have been named as a "Caring Organisation” by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. When reaching out to the community, we are mindful of the following principles:

  • Donating time, expertise and goodwill over and above cash contributions;
  • targeting broad cross-sections of the community rather than focusing on a specific class of individuals;
  • achieving multiple objectives through each programme, such as donating old office furniture to recycle resources and support the needy; and
  • joining forces with various organisations, including professional associations and volunteer groups with different charitable interests.

Last update: 3 Dec 2019

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