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Data in the following tables are updated to Q2 2024.

A. Statistics of Hong Kong securities markets            
Table A1 - Highlights of the Hong Kong Stock Market  PDF  XLSX
Table A2 - Market Capitalisation by Stock Type  PDF   XLSX
Table A3 - Average Daily Turnover by Stock Type  PDF  XLSX
Table A4 - HSI Constituents Traded by Top 20 Exchange Participants Ranked by Turnover   PDF  XLSX
B. Statistics of Hong Kong  futures markets
Table B1 - Turnover of Futures and Options PDF XLSX
Table B2 - Open Interest of Futures and Options PDF XLSX
C. Statistics of SFC Licensees/Registrants
Table C1 - Number of Licensees/Registrants (up to March 2024) PDF XLSX
Table C2 - Number of Regulated Activities of Licensed Corporations (up to March 2024) PDF XLSX
Table C3 - Number of Regulated Activities of Registered Institutions (up to March 2024) PDF XLSX
Table C4 - Number of Regulated Activities of Licensed Representatives (up to March 2024) PDF XLSX
Table C5 - Number of Regulated Activities of Responsible/Approved Officers (up to March 2024) PDF XLSX
D. Statistics of Mutual Funds and Unit Trusts
Table D1 - Authorised Collective Investment Schemes PDF XLSX
Table D2 - Number of Authorised Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (up to June 2024) PDF XLSX
Table D3 - Net Asset Value of Authorised Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (up to June 2024) PDF XLSX
Table D4 - Fund flows of Authorised Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (up to June 2024)
Table D5 - Statistics of Authorised Exchange Traded Funds and Leveraged and Inverse Products (up to June 2024)
Table D6 - Fund flows of Recognised Funds under the Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Funds Scheme (up to June 2024) PDF XLSX
Table D7 - Statistics of Southbound ETF Connect (up to June 2024) PDF XLSX

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Last update: 30 Aug 2024

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