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CEO's role and responsibilities

Our CEO has the overall executive responsibility for the SFC's operations including carrying out specific functions or duties delegated by the Board from time to time.

Key responsibilities include:

  • facilitating the effective functioning of the Board;
  • developing strategic objectives, including setting the SFC's agenda and priorities, and implementing the objectives as agreed with the Board;
  • communicating Board-agreed strategic objectives to staff at all levels and ensuring that these objectives are achieved in practice;
  • reporting regularly to the Board to enable it to discharge its responsibilities effectively;
  • informing and consulting the Chairman and the Board on all matters of significance for the organisation;
  • recommending to the Board any significant operational changes and major capital expenditures beyond delegated authority;
  • assigning responsibilities to the senior management and supervising the work of executive directors;
  • overseeing day-to-day regulatory work and ensuring that the SFC has the necessary resources to carry out its mission;
  • signing the annual accounts of the SFC and the Investor Compensation Fund;
  • sharing with the Chairman the responsibility to convene meetings of the Board and the Advisory Committee;
  • sharing with the Chairman and senior management the responsibility to communicate our messages to external parties;
  • recruiting, developing and retaining quality staff, in particular establishing a strong management team; and
  • representing the SFC locally and internationally.

See the biography of Ms LEUNG Fung Yee, Julia, SBS, JP, CEO of the SFC.

Last update: 5 Oct 2020

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