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Name: HPoption
Type: Unlicensed entities
Address(es): (i) 17th Floor, Far East Finance Centre, Harcourt Road, Hong Kong
(ii) New York, USA 6AV 4W St.
(iii) Suit 12 Level 12, 300 Queen Street, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand
(iv) 66 Ironmongers Place, London, E14 9YD
(v) Iapetou Str, Agios Athanasios, 411 Limassol
(vi) 辽宁省大连市金普新区固特异轮胎工厂斜对面,兰亭别墅A区C栋
(vii) 辽宁省大连市中山区港湾广场万达大厦D座19层
(viii) 北京市海淀区三里河路15号中建大厦B座16层
(ix) 广州市新塘港口大道与亚太路交界金海岸广场6层
Website: www.hpoption.com
Remarks: The company gives the above Hong Kong address but it is not located there.
Add date: 12 Jun 2017
Note: Unlicensed entities often use names similar to legitimate companies to confuse investors.
Unlicensed entities

Sometimes entities appear to target Hong Kong investors whilst not having been licensed to carry out regulated activities in Hong Kong. They often adopt names similar to legitimate financial institutions to confuse investors. Alternatively, such unlicensed entities may provide financial investment trading platforms on the Internet. If you deal with a company which is not licensed by the SFC, you may not be protected by the regulatory framework enforced by the SFC.

Deal only with licensed entities and hang up on cold callers. To check whether an entity is an SFC licensee, visit our .

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